How to Have the Best Sex: Advice for Zambian Men Part 3

Foundations of the Best Love Making
The best and most ideal circumstance for very
satisfactory love making for all men is to have
one partner you are married to or with whom
you have a long term committed relationship.
Any other arrangement however glamorous or
convenient such as one night stands, having sex
with numerous women, quickies, visiting
prostitutes, and affairs tend to be
unsatisfactory and filled with stress and
anxiety. The reason is that if you want to truly
experience love making and ecstasy at its best,
you need the physical, emotional, and the soul
to be all involved. This is not possible with
temporary partners. If you are married or have
a permanent relationship, when you and your
partner during love making cross that bridge of
no return, you will both experience incredible
total complete physical and emotional pleasure
or ecstasy.


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