How to Have the Best Sex: Advice for Zambian Men Part 4

Boys between 14 and 17 years old
Boys between 14 and 17 years old may be still
too young to engage in sex. Although
testosterone, and other sexual hormones of
puberty may be screaming “sex! sex! sex!”, their
bodies and emotions are not yet mature enough
to engage in and handle love making. Modern
life sexualizes children too early. As a result
every boy and girl feels the pressure to have sex
when they are not even old enough. During this
age boys should avoid looking at pornography.
Instead boys should be focusing on school,
participating in church activities, sports, games,
school clubs, and learning from fathers and
older responsible men. If they have a
girlfriend, they can go to movies, adult
supervised birthday parties with no alcohol, do
home work together, talk on the phone, and
take walks to parks with other groups of
friends. If the boys between this age group rush
to have sex, they risk impregnating a girl,
contracting sexually transmitted diseases
including HIV and 25 other possible sexually
transmitted diseases, and developing poor
sexual habits that later in life might create
problems and make the boy unhappy during
marriage as an older man. Good things always
happen later in life for boys who wait. The
process of waiting is not easy.


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